The highest performing organizations and most beloved brands of our time have a Purpose beyond making money.

Companies with a Purpose are motivated by the idea of making a positive difference in the lives of the people they serve. The Purpose Institute exists to help organizations discover, articulate and bring to life their deeper Purpose in the world. In a nutshell, our Purpose is to help you fulfill yours.

why does purpose matter?


With a purpose in place you can ask yourself, ‘is this action I’m about to take in alignment with my purpose or not?’ If it is, go all in. If it’s not, consider taking it off the ‘to do’ list.


Purpose ensures that everyone in an organization – no matter how big or complex – is singing off the same song sheet.


The more employees believe in the purpose of the organization, the more passionate and engaged they will be in their work.


When employee’s hearts and minds are committed to a Purpose, there is no stopping their natural desire to find ever more meaningful and innovative ways to fulfill it.


Purpose driven organizations use their creative firepower to tell the real story of who they are and what they stand for—eliminating any disconnect between what is marketed by the company and what is felt by the customer.


Purpose is the touchstone that reminds people why they do what they do and that what they do matters.


In the war for talent, companies with a deeper Purpose win with Millennials who want to use their talent to make money AND make a positive difference in the world.


Purpose driven organizations tend to have values-based cultures built on love and commitment to shared Purpose. They often become legendary as great places to work.

Roy_Spence_The_Purpose_InstituteRoy Spence
Co-Founder and Chairman Emeritus of GSD&M
Co-Founder and CEO, The Purpose Institute

He is also Co-Founder and CEO of The Purpose Institute, a consulting firm that helps people and organizations discover and live their purpose. Along with Haley Rushing, Roy co-authored the Wall Street Journal bestselling book, “It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand For: Why Every Extraordinary Business is Driven by Purpose.” And, most recently he authored “The 10 Essential Hugs of life,” a collection of heartwarming reminders about the need for gratitude, love and goodness.

Under Roy’s leadership, his agency has helped grow some of the world’s most successful brands like “Don’t Mess with Texas,” Southwest Airlines, Wal-Mart, DreamWorks, the PGA TOUR, BMW, the U.S. Air Force, L.L.Bean and the Clinton Foundation. Roy has been a trusted advisor to legendary leaders including Sam Walton and Southwest Airlines founder, Herb Kelleher. His counsel has also been sought by U.S. presidents and leaders in the State Department.

Roy has received a lifetime achievement award from the Austin Advertising Federation and was named Adman of the Century by Texas Monthly magazine. He was inducted into the McCombs School of Business Hall of Fame in 2012.

Roy is also a Gallup Senior Adviser working with their teams on global strategy and on the mission and purpose of the most important companies and institutions in the world. He is Gallup’s expert on Purpose. In addition, Roy is a marketing and communications advisor of the National Advisory Council for the Trust for the National Mall.

Roy’s passion is entrepreneurship. He deeply believes that entrepreneurship is the miracle of America. His mantra is “Don’t Do Mild” in work or life; follow your dreams, follow your passion, and follow your purpose.

Roy is a member of the board of directors of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation and the recently formed Markle Initiative for America’s Economic Future in a Networked World initiative. He is a Distinguished Alumnus of the University of Texas at Austin. Roy and his wife Mary have three children, Courtney, Ashley and Shay.


1748tpiHaley Rushing
Co-Founder and Chief Purposologist, The Purpose Institute
Co-Author of Wall St. Journal Bestseller, It’s Not What You Sell, It’s What You Stand For
Contributor, Conscious Capitalism Field Guide
Contributor, Perspectives on Purpose: Leading Voices on Building Brands and Businesses for the Twenty-First Century

Haley Rushing is the Chief Purposologist and co-founder of The Purpose Institute. As Chief Purposologist, Haley has personally led the charge to discover and bring to life the values and purpose for some of the most purpose-driven organizations in the world: The American Red Cross, Southwest Airlines, Whole Foods Market, Interstate Batteries, IMG Academy, VF, John Deere, BMW, and many more.  When she’s not actively unearthing the deeper Purpose and core Values of her clients, she’s passionate about doing her part to champion Conscious Capitalism.

A native of San Antonio, Texas, Haley holds a B.A. in cultural anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania and studied alternative dispute resolution at The Wharton School of Business.   She resides in Austin, TX with her twin daughters (India & Ziggy).